buy blueberry seedlings in Ukraine

The dark blue or pink (on new varieties) skin is tough and the flesh is a tender shell, sometimes tart and sometimes sweet depending on the variety. By the 1900s, people were enjoying these North Americans in the wild. Currently, large and juicy berries are easy to grow in your garden, and bushes (relatives of the rhododendron genus) are highly resistant to diseases and pests.
There are 3 types of blueberries: high-bush, low-bush and hybrid semi-high. The best view is the northern tall bush.
Blueberries grow in acidic soil where the pH is ideally between 4 and 5. The bushes are shallow rooted; so it needs soil that retains moisture but also drains well and doesn't stay wet. Before planting bushes, add fertilizer to the soil. Blueberry bushes from 1 to 3 years old should be planted as early as possible in spring. Dig a hole about twice as wide and twice as deep as the plant's roots. If you plant plants in the ground, straighten the roots, plant a bush and fill the hole with earth (peat).
One month after planting, apply a fertilizer of your choice: to provide nitrogen, sphagnum peat. Mulch with a 2-4 inch thick layer of wood shavings, sawdust, or pine needles to keep shallow roots moist. Water the bushes every week. After a year, continue to make the same top dressing for adult bushes. For the first year after planting, keep the shrub from fruiting by pinching off the developing flowers on newly planted plants to promote growth.
During the first 4 years, cutting the blueberry bush is not necessary. After the first 4 years, a late winter or early spring pruning is needed to encourage new growth that will bear fruit next season. Cut off broken or dead shoots before new growth begins. Remove old wood or stunted branches where fruit may be touching the ground. Watch out for pests and diseases such as birds, blueberry maggots, or powdery mildew.
When harvesting, do not rush to pick the berries as soon as they turn blue. Wait a few days when they easily come off the bush. Blueberries have many health benefits. They contain many antioxidant-rich phytonutrients, and one flavonoid, anthocyanin in particular, is believed to be responsible for most of their beneficial health effects. In addition, delicious berries are an excellent source of vitamins K and C, manganese and fiber. Eat and enjoy!